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Monday 31 January 2011

Public meeting - CORRECTION

The Public Meeting on the 8th Feb is at 2pm, not 1pm as stated earlier.
This meeting will be in the council chambers at the Civic Hall in Leeds. Please come along if you possibly can, we need as many people as we can.

Saturday 29 January 2011

New Website

Our website is now live, have a look HERE

Public meeting

Unison is holding a meeting on Tuesday 8th Feb for Unison members, service users and anyone else who is interested in mental health services in Leeds. They want to get service users’ and others’ views about the proposals to cut the Crisis Centre and Leeds’ mental health day centres. It is at the Civic Hall in Leeds city centre at 1pm.
There is also a TUC demonstration in London at 11am on 26th March against cuts to public services. Coaches will be organised from Leeds. See or
(From the Crisis centre blog)

Friday 28 January 2011

Twitter account

You can now follow us on Twitter, @saveallcentres. The more the better!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Unison leaflet

This is the leaflet that Unison has produced. If you would like copies of this to give out to the public, please speak to the Unison office, or email

Leeds City Council is proposing to close services:

They plan to close:
·        The Vale Mental Health Day Centre
·        Stocks Hill Mental Health Day Centre

This will leave only a pared down service which will run at Lovell Park Centre.

Mental health day centres are staffed by skilled and experienced staff. These community based centres provide a wide range of services to help people to recover when they have been unwell and to prevent relapse. They do this by providing:
  • A warm and welcoming atmosphere in which people can make friends
  • A personalised approach. People have their own support plan which is just right for them
  • Individual key working which helps people make changes in their lives
  • A wide range of groups to encourage new interests and to rekindle old ones 
  • Education classes for the whole community
  • Support with volunteering and/or returning to paid employment
  • Individual sessions out and about, helping people to overcome anxiety and get on with their lives.
  • Hope at those times when everything feels hopeless

Leeds City Council also plans to close

·        Leeds Crisis Centre

This award winning centre helps people who find themselves in a crisis. Maybe a relationship has come to an end or perhaps there has been a death in the family. Anyone who is experiencing a crisis and feels that they’re not coping can contact Leeds Crisis Centre for help. Using counselling as an intervention, experienced and skilled staff help people to deal with a crisis in a positive way. There is no other service like this in the city.
Learn more by visiting

SAVE OUR CENTRES is a campaign to keep these vital and cost effective frontline services. Please help:
We’ll keep you in touch with what’s going on
  • Tell others – friends, family and colleagues
  • Write to your local councillors and visit their surgeries
Details at your local library or visit
  • If you’re in a trade union, raise it at your Branch
  • If you’d like copies of this leaflet let us know
  • If there are other ways you can help, please tell us by email or by phoning 0113 245 8442

We look forward to welcoming you to the campaign

Thank you to the Unison staff and reps involved in producing this.

Contact Us

If you have something you think should be on here, but don't want it to go as a comment, you can email I will go through all posts as soon as possible!

What this is!

It has been pointed out that there is nothing here to explain to newcomers what this is about, so here goes.

A proposal was put to Leeds City Council in December to close the Crisis Centre, along with 2 of the 3 day centres. There will be no alternative provision for the crisis centre, and some community service would be available for some of the service users from the day centres. This proposal was delayed pending further consultation, and is due to be discussed by the Executive Board on the 11th Feb. This 'further consultation' has not been had, and no alternatives have been offered.

The report, ( ) claims that the Crisis Centre is a duplicated service, and that the NHS, through IAPTs, would fulfil this role. IAPT staff have commented on the Crisis Centre's blog that this is not the case, in fact IAPT refer people to the Crisis Centre!

The report also states several inaccuracies about the day centres. The activities that are provided through the day centres are not there simply to occupy time, these are thought out, therapeutic activities to enable service users to recover.

Many service users are not well enough to be able to access community support, this would isolate these people, making recovery impossible. There is also a great many people who rely on the day centre as the only peer support that they can receive, due to the stigma and prejudice that surrounds mental health.

Without the day centres and the crisis centre, much more pressure will be placed on families, many more people will be unable to return to work, and the suicide rate is bound to increase. This is not acceptable.

While many will bring up the cost of these services, the report includes figures that suggest that closing the three centres would save the council just over £1m. This is a small percentage of the council's budget, and savings can be made in places that would not endanger people’s lives.

There are many more reasons for all 3 centres to stay open, I am sure that these will be posted in the near future! Thank you for taking the time to read this, your support is appreciated by many people!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Email to Ed Balls

 This has been sent to Ed Balls via email, similar will be sent to all local MP's.

I am writing to ask for your support in protecting the vital mental health services provided by Leeds City Council. You have been contacted by many other people about this, yet noone has received a response. The services under threat save many lives, and help people to recover from mental illness and to rejoin the community. Closing these services will lead to a much higher suicide rate in Leeds, destroy families who rely on the support on offer, and keep many people on sickness benefits. The amount of money that is due to be saved by this is less than £2m, which could easily be saved elsewhere, in places that would not endanger lives. 1 in 4 people will face mental ill health at some time in their life, and these services help them to pick up the pieces of their life, recover, and play an active part in society. I urge you to step in and help, this affects a large number of your voting constituents, and we rely on you to protect our area!

 While I'm here, can I ask everyone to use the "follow" button on the right of this page, this gives us a realistic number of supporters! Thanks in advance!


We have a facebook group, try!/home.php?sk=group_196497363699891
This is an open group for anyone to join, lets get those numbers up!!!

Where to find it!

A few links to keep an eye on..... This is where the proposals should be available, check the February meeting on or after 4th Feb. - the blog from the Crisis centre - One of the reports from the reaction to the first proposal


This is a blog to keep everyone informed about the progress of the fight to save 2 day centres and the crisis centre in Leeds.
The cuts that have been proposed take vital services away from the most vulnerable people. There has been a great deal of hard work that has gone into keeping these services, and an early "thankyou" to everyone involved.